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Using a dynamic UI to draw a 3d plot in shiny


I have a dataframe:


I am drawing a 3d plot with plotly by adding add_trace in a loop, like:

library(shiny)library(plotly)library(tidyverse)df1<-data.frame(a=rnorm(100),b=rnorm(100),c=rnorm(100),ID1=c("A","B"),ID2=(c("A","B","C","D")))test<-unique(df1$ID2)tempt.col<-c("red","blue","green","yellow")p<-plot_ly()for(i in 1:length(test)){  df2<-df1[df1$ID2==test[i],] %>%    select(a,b,c)  p<-add_trace(p=p,               data = df2,               x=~a,y=~b,z=~c,               type="scatter3d",               marker = list(size=5,color=tempt.col[i]),               mode="markers"  )}p

It works very well like:

enter image description here

Now I want to achieve this in shiny, I would like to generate colourInput based on the length of the selected ID, the ui:

ui<-fluidPage(  fluidRow(    sidebarPanel(      selectInput("select1","Select the ID",choices = colnames(df1[,4:5]),multiple = FALSE),      actionButton("act1","Go"),      uiOutput("ui1"),    ),    mainPanel(      tableOutput("table1"),      plotlyOutput("plot.3d",height = "1000px")    )  ))


server<-function(input,output){  tempt.group<-reactive({    unique(df1[,input$select1])  })  observeEvent(input$act1,{    tempt.vector<-list()    tempt.col.name<-isolate(      vector(mode = "list",length = 2)    )    for(i in 1:length(tempt.group())){      tempt.vector[[i]]<-colourpicker::colourInput(        inputId = paste0("ColorID",i),        label = tempt.group()[i])      tempt.col.name[[1]][i]<-paste0("ColorID",i)      tempt.col.name[[2]][i]<-tempt.group()[i]    }    output$ui1<-renderUI({      tempt.vector    })    names(tempt.col.name)<-c("inputId","label")    col.name<-reactive({      data.frame(sapply(tempt.col.name,cbind))    })    col.df<-reactive({      tempt.col.df<-reactiveValuesToList(input)      data.frame(        names = names(tempt.col.df[grepl("ColorID", names(tempt.col.df))]),        values = unlist(tempt.col.df[grepl("ColorID", names(tempt.col.df))], use.names = FALSE)      )    })    group.col.df<-reactive({      merge(col.df(),col.name(),by.x="names",by.y="inputId")    })    output$table1<-renderTable(      group.col.df()    )    pp<-reactive({      p<-plot_ly()      for(i in 1:length(tempt.group())){        # col<-group.col.df()[group.col.df()[,"label"]==tempt.group()[i],"values"] ####it should be something wrong with here        df2<-df1[df1$ID==tempt.group()[i],] %>%          select(a,b,c)        p<-add_trace(p=p,                     data = df2,                     x=~a,y=~b,z=~c,                     type="scatter3d",                     # marker = list(size=5,color=col[i]),  ####it should be something wrong with here                     mode="markers"        )      }      p    })    output$plot.3d<-renderPlotly({      pp()    })  })}shinyApp(ui=ui,server=server)

The app is like:enter image description here

I want to fetch the colourInput and pass to the color of the 3d scatter plot, but nothing works. The page either keeps refreshing or frozen,That must be something wrong with col<-group.col.df()[group.col.df()[,"label"]==tempt.group()[i],"values"] and marker = list(size=5,color=col[i]),

please help.

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